Shipboard Robotics TEM 2025

  • March 10 - 11, 2025
  • NOVA Place

    #172 100 South Commons
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212
Ticket Price Free This event is now over



Dear Shipboard Robotics Community,


We are writing to share another important update regarding the Shipboard Robotics TEM 2025. Due to the latest government direction regarding travel restrictions, we must regrettably postpone the event. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.


Postponing the event allows government partner participation and ensures your time is rewarded with as much value as you can receive from attending our TEM. The goal of our event has always been to connect with our valued members of industry and academia to the DOD. We are committed to advancing the research and development of shipboard robotics. Be assured we are still planning on bringing this event back once DOD travel restrictions have eased, and we will make every effort to deliver an even better experience!


We would again like to highlight our new initiative: the Shipboard Robotics Community of Interest "Brown Bag" Speaker Series. This monthly virtual event will feature members of our community presenting their research in a more extended and detailed format. We believe this will be a fantastic opportunity for in-depth discussions, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.


If you are interested in presenting your research at a "Brown Bag" session, please sign up using the following link:


We look forward to connecting with you in the future!

Date & Time

Mar 10 - 11, 2025

Venue Details

NOVA Place

#172 100 South Commons
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212 NOVA Place
Liberty Tech Bridge